A Modern Approach to a Traditional Profession
Martinez Geospatial utilizes the latest survey technologies to best serve our clients. This includes top-of-the-line field equipment for data acquisition and high-performance office workstations for data processing, feature extraction, and final product development. Whether utilizing ground-based imagery; aerial imagery from a fixed-wing aircraft, rotorcraft, or drone; airborne, mobile terrestrial, or static terrestrial LiDAR; survey-grade global navigation satellite systems (GNSS); robotic total stations; and/or electronic levels, we take tremendous pride in developing innovative geospatial solutions tailored to the specific requirements of each project.
Land Development
Martinez Geospatial provides professional land surveying services in support of all phases of residential, commercial, and public infrastructure development. Whether you are in need of an initial boundary and topographic survey for design purposes, a preliminary and final plat, construction staking, or an as-built record survey, you can be confident that we will compete the project accurately, on-time, and within budget.
- Topographic Surveys
- Subdivision Plats
- Common Interest Community (CIC) Plats
- Right-Of-Way Plats
- Construction Layout / Field Staking
- Quantity Calculations
- As-Built Record Drawings
- ADA Surveys
- Bridge Clearances
Legal Surveys
A boundary survey is an invaluable asset for anyone concerned with their property rights, and an essential tool for anyone transferring property, refinancing, or planning any property improvements. At Martinez Geospatial, a licensed professional land surveyor will thoroughly research both the property’s legal documentation and field evidence. The property boundary will be monumented and a Certificate of Survey will be drafted to clearly and accurately identify the property and associated rights.
- Boundary Surveys
- ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys
- Residential Lot Surveys
- FEMA Elevation Certificates
- Easement / Lease Tract Exhibits
- Legal Descriptions
- Certificate of Location of Government Corner
- Expert Witness Testimony
Large Scale Surveys
Our expertise in alternative survey technologies, such as aerial photogrammetry, airborne LiDAR, and terrestrial mobile LiDAR, allow us to provide cost-effective survey services for large-scale projects, including highway and railroad corridors, power lines, pipelines, wind farms, quarries, landfills, and even entire cities. Our dedicated staff of experienced and knowledgeable field and office technicians is well-equipped to successfully complete survey projects of any size and complexity.
- Plan & Profile Drawings
- Land Use / Environmental Change Analysis
- Asset Inventories
- Geodetic Surveys
- Aerial Photo Control
- Aerial Imagery
Aeronautical Surveys
Martinez Geospatial is on the leading edge of performing surveys for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airports Surveying-Geographic Information Systems (AGIS) Program. We have successfully performed surveys of dozens of large and small airports all across the country while strictly following the guidance and specifications for aeronautical surveys contained in the FAA Advisory Circulars (AC) for Airport Projects. Our aviation experts collect and process the field data, which gets submitted to the FAA and National Geodetic Survey (NGS) electronically via the FAA Airports-GIS web application.
- FAA AC 150/5300-16A: General Guidance and Specifications for Aeronautical Surveys: Establishment of Geodetic Control and Submission to the National Geodetic Survey
- FAA AC 150/5300-17C: Standards for Using Remote Sensing Technologies in Airport Surveys
- FAA AC 150/5300-18B: General Guidance and Specifications for Submission of Aeronautical Surveys to NGS: Field Data Collection and Geographic Information System (GIS) Standards
- Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77: Obstructions to Navigation
- FAA 1A / 2C Certification Letters
Martinez Geospatial
2915 Waters Road, Suite 100
Eagan, MN 55121
Phone: 651-686-8424
Fax: 651-686-8389